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Smart learning about the city in advance – Kaunas

Kaunas, situated a mere 100 kilometers from the capital Vilnius, has introduced from 2023 an innovative approach to enhance the journey’s value and interest. The Kaunas Tourism Information (Kaunas IN) has initiated the pioneering “Tourism Information Friendly” (TIF) project, which strategically places informative materials, maps, and multilingual information at numerous locations throughout the city, including on trains traveling to and from Kaunas. This initiative transforms the journey itself into a captivating experience, fostering engagement, immersion, and a deeper understanding of the city’s essence. The main aims of the project are: Implementing an innovative measure in Kaunas Highlighting the purpose of this measure, which is to make the journey more interesting and useful in terms of time spent. Introducing the new smart project called “Tourism Information Friendly” (TIF) places, implemented by Kaunas Tourism Information (Kaunas IN). Describing the availability of publications, maps, and information in different languages across various locations in the city, including trains to and from Kaunas. Emphasizing that this initiative allows travelers to become part of the city’s attraction, immersing themselves in the experience and gaining insights even during their journey. Focus of the intervention, including: target population, type of problem/gap addressed, mechanisms/ tools in-place to report and address; settings in which the practice took place etc. The focus of intervention is to highlight the implementation of an innovative measure in Lithuania that aims to enhance the travel experience and optimize the use of time. The intervention focuses on the introduction of “Tourism Information Friendly” (TIF) places, a smart project implemented by Kaunas Tourism Information (Kaunas IN). These TIF places are strategically located throughout the city, including trains to and from Kaunas, and provide tourists with access to publications, maps, and information in different languages. The main objective is to enable travelers to actively engage with the city even during their journey, fostering a sense of attraction, immersion, and deeper insights into Kaunas. The main results of the project are: Enhanced Travel Experience: The initiative aims to make the journey to Kaunas more interesting and useful, providing tourists with access to publications, maps, and information in different languages. This enhances the overall travel experience for visitors. Time Optimization: By offering information and resources during the journey, tourists can utilize their travel time effectively, gaining insights into the city before reaching their destination. Increased Attraction: The initiative enables the travel itself to become part of the attraction, as tourists can engage with the city and its offerings even before arriving. This enhances the allure of Kaunas as a destination. Immersion in the City: Through the availability of publications, maps, and information in multiple locations, including trains, tourists have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the city’s culture, history, and attractions from the outset of their journey. Deeper Insights into Kaunas: Access to information in different languages across the city enables visitors to gain a better understanding of Kaunas, its landmarks, and its local offerings, fostering a deeper appreciation for the city.