TAKE IT SLOW is an EU funded project that aims to establish, manage, and promote the Adriatic Region as a smart, integrated, sustainable, accessible, year-round, green, and slow tourist destination. The project aims to leverage the tangible and intangible joint natural and cultural heritage of the islands, coastal, inland, and rural areas of the Adriatic. Through smart specialization concepts, the project aims to stimulate innovation, knowledge, competitiveness, networking, and cross-border partnership processes, thereby enhancing the quality of services and products in the tourism value chain. The project that was implemented from 2020 to 2022 specifically focused on the sustainable economic and territorial development of the islands, coastal, and inland areas within the Adriatic Region. This was achieved by enabling smart specialization of the tourism destination, emphasizing highly quality, specialized, sustainable, and slow tourism offerings based on preserved, valorized, and interpreted natural and cultural assets. The intervention addressed the need for improved preservation, valorization, interpretation, and promotion of cultural and natural heritage. It also focused on increasing collaboration between key actors, promoting innovation and digitalization in tourism products/services, improving accessibility of heritage sites, and fostering the implementation of ecolabel/green certification. The practice takes place within the Adriatic Region, involving various stakeholders from scientific, private, and public sectors. The main results of the project include: Improved preservation, valorization, interpretation, and promotion of cultural and natural heritage in the project area. Increased integration and collaboration among key actors engaged in the promotion of natural and cultural heritage at local, regional, national, and program levels through smart specialization. Enhanced innovation and digitalization in tourism products and services. Improved accessibility of natural and cultural heritage destinations. Enhanced understanding, participation, implementation, and promotion of ecolabel/green certification by local beneficiaries.