From the 19th to 20th of January, the partners of the TOURing project gathered for the first time in person for the kick-off meeting that took place at AKMI SA premises in Athens, Greece.
The TOURing project aims at reshaping the Tourism micro & SMEs by upskilling them with green and digital skillsets in order to build a tourism sector of tomorrow that is economically, digitally and environmentally viable in the long term through the implementation of more sustainable and digital models within Tourism micro & SMEs in the post-covid environment.
The goal of the meeting was to get to know each other and to create common ground on how to better collaborate to ensure timely and quality implementation of the forthcoming project activities. During the meeting, representatives of 13 project partners coming from 6 Program Countries (BE, El, IT, CY, DE, PT ) had a general overview on the main aspects of the project, discussing the methodological approach of the envisaged actions, agreeing on the next steps and on the internal management.