TOURing – Pact for Tourism Skills, an innovative new project aiming to reshape the micro, small and medium-sized tourism enterprises, has just started last January. It is co-funded by the European Union with a grant that reaches 680.000,00 €, under the innovative “Forward-Looking” action. By upgrading the green and digital skills of Tourism SMEs, TOURing will contribute to the creation of a tourism sector that is economically, digitally and environmentally viable, through the implementation of more sustainable and digital practices in micro and small and medium-sized tourism enterprises in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic.
The project is being implemented by 13 partners from 6 countries: Greece, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Cyprus: AKMI, RDFA, EVTA, BK-CONSULT, ENAIP, EVBB, LD, Opinion & Action Services LTD, IME GSEVEE, POVEK, INSIGNARE, EfVET, APRO. Of these, 2 are VET Providers, 3 Umbrella Organisations, 2 Associations, 2 SMEs, 2 Training Providers, 1 Regional Authority.
TOURing will develop educational material and digital learning tools through an effective two-way learning mechanism between the partner VET institutions and tourism enterprises. In this way it will bridge the needs of the market with more tailored training and education programmes. In this way, they will mutually upgrade their skills and increase the quality and attractiveness of vocational education and training at European, national, regional and local level.
Micro, small and medium sized tourism enterprises will benefit from TOURing activities and deliverables. The project will design and provide to the enterprises: a Tourism Sector New Skills Set for digital and green transition of enterprises post-covid, a self-assessment tool, a digital Tookit, curricula and training sessions for employees, a funding tool, a Skills Validation Mechanism using micro-certificates, a “Looking Forward” White Paper, and a Dissemination and Exploitation Plan.
TOURing implements its activities in support to the “Pact for Skills for the Tourism sector”, a flagship initiative launched by the European Union in the frame of the European Skills Agenda. During the next few months, TOURing partners will consult tourism enterprises so to create all educational material based on their needs, by the next year the project will deliver all the tools mentioned before for the upskilling of the enterprises.
Social media: @Touring Project (Facebook), @TOURing project (LinkedIn), @touring_project_eu (Instagram) | Pact for Skills / Tourism: TOURing will contribute to the development of the ‘Networking Hub’ for tourism.